Justin (M.Div. and Th.M.) is a member of Kootenai Community Church in Sandpoint, Idaho where he and his wife, Kathy, make their home.

Though his first love is expository preaching, the thing for which Justin Peters is most well-known is his Seminar entitled “Clouds Without Water” which he teaches all around the globe. “Clouds Without Water” is a biblical critique of a movement properly called the Word-Faith movement but more commonly known as the Health and Wealth, or, Prosperity gospel. Word-Faith theology holds that it is always God’s will for a Christian to be financially wealthy and physically healed. It holds that believers can be rich and never be sick as long as they have enough faith and “sow seeds” into a preacher’s ministry so that they can, in turn, “reap a harvest.” Word-Faith theology is led by people such as Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, and many others.


Justin Peters Ministries Information

Biographical Sketch:

  • Born April 21, 1973 in Vicksburg, Mississippi
  • Bachelor’s in Economics from Mississippi State University, 1995
  • Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages (M.Div., B.L.) from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, 2000.
  • Master of Theology (Th.M.) with emphasis in New Testament from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. 2002. Master’s thesis entitled An Examination and Critique of the Life, Ministry, and Theology of Healing Evangelist Benny Hinn.
  • Head of Justin Peters Ministries. Have preached in 41 states and 19 countries since 2005.
  • Married to Kathy Shortridge Peters since 2010.
  • Members of Kootenai Community Church www.kootenaichurch.org in Sandpoint, Idaho.